Janet McBride,
P. O. Box 850351,
Mesquite, Tx. 75185-0351
Dear Fan, I hope all is well. Were OK.This is a neat story. Read on. This is the email promo letter
I sent out on the new CD #007. I thought youd like it.
Have you ever thought you might be the person who
finds an old forgotten recording of someone famous or found yourself looking at antiques
hoping to find that diamond in the rough? Sometimes things just
happen. Patsy Montana and I had been friends for over 40 years before she passed
away in 1996. In 2002 I was told that Patsys husband Paul was in a rest home
in San Jacinto so while on our way to San Diego for a show, we made plans to stop in and
see him. While there John and I visited with their daughter Beverly and grandson
Michael. They told us they were pretty overwhelmed trying to get the Roses
house ready to sell. It seemed that Patsy had saved everything. Before we left
I told Beverly to let me know if I could help in any way. When Beverly ran onto a
large box of reel to reel tape recordings she didnt know what to do
with, I suggested she send them to me to listen to which I did. One by one, minute
by minute and reel by reel I listened by the hour. The tapes were old and often
would break. The tapes contained bits and pieces of Patsy Montana at home, an interview on
the radio and even with her children and grandchildren. When I came upon a piece of
tape with just Patsy playing her guitar and singing, my ears perked up. The tape
broke but there was still a verse and chorus of a song I hadnt heard Patsy sing
before and I thought that it might be useable in some way but of course, I had to figure
out a way. That was late 2002.
My mind went back to the tape often but it wasnt until in March of 2004 that I began
to work out just how I was going to do it. I thought a dream might work and before too
long I had my song going. In April I was in Alabama and sang the song to Beverly and
Michael. It was a long way from being finished but they both agreed that I was on
the right track.
With the digital mastering and restoration talent
of Phil York and with the expert musicianship of Mike McClain, Milo Deering and Rocky
Gribble and the masterful production and engineering of McClain at his Recording Studio
plus the harmony voices of Call of the Wests Jeanne Cahill and Jerome Campbell and
John Ingram I have completed A Cowgirls Dream.
It is the first song on the CD Happy Yodeling
Cowgirl making the total of 14 songs that contain a yodel. This project has
been a labor of love on my part. I hope you like it.
My email is:
My Web Page is:
$17.00 for the CD.
You can pay by Pay Pal by using my email address of
or send Check or M.O. to address above. DO NOT PAY AT THE WEBSITE.
Fan club $5.00
To Pat Boilesen,
216-- S. 7th St.,
Albion, Ne. 68620-1112 |
Excerpts from Beverly & Michaels letter.
When we lost Mom in May of 1996, I naturally took a leave of absence from work to try to
help Daddy get her affairs in order. Imagine my dismay as I walked into her office
at home to discover 60 years of semi-organized chaos. Important contracts boxed with fan
letters. Priceless photos of long gone stars of yesteryear mixed with snaps of
unidentified fans from all over the world. Sheet music long out of print slowly morphing
into dust, carefully arranged in alphabetical order in long forgotten boxes. So I would
spend a few weeks wading through it all go home work long enough to get more time off
without getting fired fly back to California open the same drawers and closets only to
find them full again almost as though there was an elevator from the basement pushing
stuff up as quickly as I got them emptied. So it was no surprise when I discovered a large
box in the dark recesses of a back closet untouched and unopened for many years simply
transferred with each move. Inside was a treasure trove of old reel-to-reels and giant,
heavy old transcriptions with much of the recording surface peeling off. What on earth
could be done with such stuff? Impossible to throw out just as seemingly impossible to
recover. Into this scenario enter good friends Janet McBride and John Ingram who had come
to visit Daddy, now in a nursing home after a devastating stroke. They kindly agreed to
take them to see what could be done. The result is what you hear on this remarkable
record. They worked some sort of sound magic and managed to lift mothers voice and
yodel from the decaying surface. Then Janets genius for songwriting integrated the
two into this loving memorial to Mom and her music. Many thanks from our family for this
wonderful tribute to both Mom and her Cowboy Sweetheart my Dad who rode with her
faithfully and supportively on a trail that spanned over 60 years.
Beverly & Michael |
Yodeling has been going in and out of favor in the
country field for 70 years: some yodelers made it famous, some didn't. Some sang well,
some wrote songs. Many country (and non-country) singers have tried yodeling; most have
failed at it.
In the last 20 years or so, some singers have surprised listeners with a pretty good yodel
thrown into a song as a little added touch: most of these singers have something in common
- or shall I say, someone in common - and that person is yodeling teacher extraordinaire
Janet McBride.
Janet as been performing and recording for over 50 years. During that time her career has
had its ups and downs (in the mid-1960s she was a traveling member of the Grand Ole Opry).
McBride has proved to many singers and other folks in the music business that she's among
the best, if not the best, yodeler in the history of country music.
That's why other singers flock to her for lessons. If yodeling was as popular as electric
guitar, Janet McBride would be a superstar.
Don't just believe me: check out any of these three cds (four, if you consider 50 YEARS OF YODELING is a two-cd set). As its title suggests, the songs on 50 YEARS OF YODELING were recorded over a period of years, some going back to the 1940s when
she sang with her siblings in a family group.
Janet started her solo recording career in 1960 on Starday, getting to sing with musicians
who became legends in the recording studios.
It didn't take long for musicians across the country to spread the word. Gigs and offers
followed, but great fame and wealth did not.
Like so many musicians, Janet was known by most professionals, but unknown to the largest
section of the public.
I should mention here that there's a dandy liner notes booklet with 50 YEARS OF YODELING, listing all the songs and the lineup of musicians and signers.
If the first song' She Taught Me to Yodel' (young Janet at only age 17) doesn't knock you
out, you have no heart.
Many of the tunes on 50 YEARS OF YODELING are considered yodeling cowboy classics. For much of
her career she was asked to record these songs that already had been hits for other
singers both female and male. In many cases, Janet's version surpasses the original.
When Janet writes a song, it often sounds like a classic from decades ago: this became
obvious listening to the two other cds HAPPY YODELING
COWGIRL (2005) and GOSPEL COUNTRY (2004).
The latter cd has two bonus songs: Janet singing with her siblings on 'Let's Pretend',
recorded in 1951, and 'I'll Be Listening', recorded in 1997.
I love her girlish voice on the early recordings. Like most signers, Janet's voice has
deepened over the years as she has gained more knowledge of how to sing better and write
songs, and when she tears into a yodel, watch out: she still has the power to amaze.
It's more subtle now, perhaps - not quite as dramatic as in her youth - but Janet knows
how to use her instrument better than ever.
Rich and famous or not, Janet McBride is a winner. |